Hi! My name is Juan Diaz and I am a Front End Developer based in Asheville, NC.

Juan Diaz

About me

Committed Front End developer seeking opportunities in growth-oriented startups. Upholds values of discipline, loyalty, and reliability, with a self-motivated approach to continuous learning and skill enhancement


Free For Geeks site

Free For Geeks

A curated list of free resources for developers and geeks.

Migue Diaz Project

Migue Diaz

A personal site for a client. Displays the location of both the visitor and the website owner, along with the distance between them.

Next logoJS logoTailwind logoLeaflet logoAPI logoSupabase logo
Jp·Shop Project


Collection of projects. Including a Markdown Previewer, a Drum Machine, a Calculator, a Pomodoro Clock, a Quote Generator and many more.

Juan Diaz's Docs Project

Juan Diaz's Docs

My documentation site for projects, tech notes, and career advancement.

Jp·Shop Project


Responsive online store that consumes an API to fetch products. Features include a sign in, product filtering, skeleton screens, and pagination

Landing Page Project

Landing Page

Responsive landing page built with React and Tailwind CSS.

View more projects

Open Source

I love to contribute to OSS. Here are a few projects that I have worked on.


Confs Tech Frontend

Confs Tech Database


Public APIs





Contact me

Feel free to email me directly.


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